Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Airbus A380 in Abu Dhabi

The year 2007 saw the introduction of the first double decker aircraft from Airbus, the Airbus A380. Singapore Airlines, the launch airline for the aircraft ordered 19 A380s and has already had 18 delivered.
These double decker aircraft have brought about a range of innovations in air travel including on-board showers and salons. The ninth airline, Thai Airways has now received its first A380 with British Airways and Qatar Airways receiving their first aircraft next year. By 2014, the first A380 will be in use from Abu Dhabi 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Enjoy the Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix

With the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix just a few months away, if you are hoping to head out for a bit of sunshine, then now is the time to book. These tickets are going to get snapped up very quickly so you should start looking at organizing your trip.

Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates has been hosting the F1 Grand Prix each November since 2009 and is one of the city’s sporting highlights of the year. Drivers maneuver around this five and a half kilometer track for 55 laps at speeds of