Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Airbus A380 in Abu Dhabi

The year 2007 saw the introduction of the first double decker aircraft from Airbus, the Airbus A380. Singapore Airlines, the launch airline for the aircraft ordered 19 A380s and has already had 18 delivered.
These double decker aircraft have brought about a range of innovations in air travel including on-board showers and salons. The ninth airline, Thai Airways has now received its first A380 with British Airways and Qatar Airways receiving their first aircraft next year. By 2014, the first A380 will be in use from Abu Dhabi 
International Airport with Etihad Airways, the world’s fastest growing airline, however, with the expansion of the airline, 2012 also saw the start of the Midfield Terminal construction at Abu Dhabi Airport. The airport’s handling capacity has grown by nearly 20 percent over the past five years so the new terminal is needed in order to help the airline, city and airport grow. Expected to accommodate 65 aircraft (including the Airbus A380), the terminal will also be able to handle 8,500 passengers checking-in per hour.

Unfortunately, the new terminal is not due to be completed until 2017, but the current terminals are still able to accommodate the departing, arriving and transiting passengers in the meantime. The terminal has been designed to be as eco-friendly as possible with high-performance glass that will help reduce heat inside the terminal and in turn meaning less air conditioning is required.

Facilities in the new terminal will include the standard shops and restaurants as well as a heritage and culture museum; and a hotel. Etihad’s first of ten A380s will arrive in 2014 which is welcomed by the airline’s rapidly expanding route network. The largest operator of the A380, Dubai based Emirates Airlines, was the first to place an order of five aircraft and currently has more than 20 A380 aircraft operating with a total of 90 to be delivered.

Despite such a competitive industry, the world needed the A380’s size and ability to transport larger numbers of passengers. The ever expanding route network of airlines who rely on transit passengers benefits from these the most but what will be next? A triple decker aircraft? 

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